On Exercise 1, I got 60 points the very first time, and worked up to all but about two of them. Ones I probably wont use, at least not very often. The next exercise, the "face" is 2.5x3.4", 50 resolution.
Exercise 5 says to post experiments, so I'm calling these "feathers":
I got carried away with this one, and included feathered circles as well.
I found it very interesting, and possibly useful later on, to circle the baby and put him in the other design. It didn't state to post it, so I didn't. But I couldn't decide which was more fascinateing next, the stamp tool or the history brush. I experimented quite a bit on other things with both. I drew a bluebonnet with the airbrush, then cloned it, flopped it, and had two, a good imitation of my watercolor. Here are my two assignments:
I have been using the smudge tool for touch-ups on some photos that I'm doing a pencil sketch of, and found it very useful. I can see where this can come in handy for touch-ups on faces, too. I'm looking forward to next week's lesson, since touching up old photos in our archives was the principle reason I got this program. I'm not too satidfied with the hair, but at least you'll know I got the point of the tool.