Photoshop 5

Picking some photos not exposed correctly, mainly shooting against the sun, and getting the shadows too deep, I have posted two of my tests. I probably would have put a cloudy sky behind these, letting the sky go completely white, if I wanted them for a web site. This parade passes right in front of our place, the Sunday before Mardi Gras. Great fun.

Krewe of Thoth 1  Krewe of Thoth 2

Parade 1  parade 2

At first I thought you meant we should post one of our own images, but upon reading the assignment at the end, it looks like you meant one of our images of the ocean. Here's one of the ocean:

ocean scene

The shadow proved quite a challenge. Here are my shadowless and shadow images:

Frisky   Frisky's shadow

Each assignment proves very interesting, with lots of possibilities in the future. I hope I don't have to do this one again, though.


Thank you for all your help, and good lessons. I learned a lot, and will be back for the next course, but not just yet. I signed up for HTML 2 for November. Olivia