Here is the photo that I had just received while working on this lesson. I used all the things that were given for our last lesson, and applied them to this photo, and here are my results. This is precisely why I bought Paint Shop Pro and signed up for these classes. I am also the archivist for our community, and have many old photos to work with. Thanks for a great lesson.
Okay, it's Carnival Time in New Orleans! This is my friend, Sarg, an officer in the krewe of Thoth, right outside our wall, the bricks behind him, ready for his ride in the Thoth parade. His horse's name is Pokey. I used the effects:glowing edges on this one.
The dahalia made an interesting experiment.
Using a watercolor of two bluebonnets, I made this kaleidoscope, and then went on to reduce it down to the black and white.